Health Articles

Lupin is the new up and coming super food seed to watch.

Lupin is the new up and coming super food seed to watch.

Pulses are well known for their benefits of protein and dietary fibre content; a new type pulse that has recently become popular to consumers is Lupin. With scientifically proven health benefits and a high nutritional content, lupin is the new up and coming super food seed to watch. 

Lupin described as a kernel or seed is part of the pulse family; closely related to soybeans and peanuts and in ancient times was traditionally used as a snack the Mediterranean. Sweet lupin is the most common type of lupin produced and used in Australia; with Western Australia now the largest producers of this nutrient dense food. 

Sweet lupin is commonly used to enhance the nutritional content in a variety of products including baked goods such as breads and bakery items, pastas sauces and in meat products. Not only is lupin gluten free and soy free, it is bursting with dietary fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals. This super food is abundant in nutrients; being composed of: 

  • ~35% dietary fibre 
  • ~35% protein containing all 9 essential amino acids 
  • Is one of the top 3 natural sources of Arginine 
  • Contains phytochemicals that have an antioxidant capacity from polyphenols 
  • Contains sources of a variety of vitamins and minerals including thiamine(B1), riboflavin (B2), Vitamin C, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc 
This super seed has shown significant health benefits including: 
  • Improved satiety leading to a reduction in energy intake and a decrease in ghrelin which may assist weight reduction 
  • A decrease in insulin spikes compared to white bread due to its benefits on glycemic control 
  • Lupin-enriched biscuits may improve both glycaemic control and satiety in hospitalised T2DM patients 
  • Improved cardiovascular health including lowering blood pressure, plasma triglycerides and total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol 
  • Improve gut health, specifically an increase in beneficial gut bacterium 

In order to take advantage of all the wonderful benefits lupin has to offer we use this versatile ingredient in our cookies, muffins and bread! Enjoy these as a snack on any of our programs or just as a healthy alternative to other sweet biscuit options available from supermarkets. 

Lee, Y.P., T. Mori, S. Sipsas, A. Barden, I. Puddey, V. Burke,R. Hall, J. Hodgson. (2006). Lupin-enriched bread increases satiety and reduces energy intake acutely. American J Clinical Nutrition 84: 975-980. 
Lee, Y. P., I.B. Puddey and J.M.Hodgson (2008) Protein, Fibre and Blood Pressure: Potential Benefit of Legumes. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 35: pp473–476. 
Hall, R.S., S.J. Thomas, S.K. Johnson. 2005. Australian sweet lupin flour addition reduced the glycaemic index of a white bread breakfast without affecting palatability in healthy human volunteers. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 14: 91-97. 
Martínez-Villaluenga C., J. Fr ías, R. Gómez and C. Vidal-Valverde (2006). Influence of addition of raffinose family oligosaccharides on probiotic survival in fermented milk during refrigerated storage. International Dairy Journal, Vol 16, pp 768-774 
Smith, S.C., R. Choy, S.K. Johnson, R.S. Hall, A.C.M. Wildeboer-Veloo and G. W. Welling.(2006). Lupin kernel fiber consumption modifies fecal microbiota in healthy men as determined by rRNA gene fluorescent in situ hybridization. European J Nutrition 45: 335-41. 
Kohajdová, Z., Karovičová, J. and Schmidt, Š. (2011). Lupin composition and possible use in bakery - A Review. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, [online] 29(No. 3), pp.203-211. Available at:
Oliveria, L, Pinho, O, Torres, D. Lupin: Nutritonal composition and applications in the food industry. Food Chemistry. 2006;98(4):711-719. 
Skalkos, Sophie, et al. "Effect of Lupin-Enriched Biscuits as Substitute Mid-Meal Snacks on Post-Prandial Interstitial Glucose Excursions in Post-Surgical Hospital Patients with Type 2 Diabetes." Nutrients 12.5 (2020): 1239. 
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